I had limited time for the September 5/10GHz UKuG Cumulative, so I could only operate from my home QTH in Wargrave (IO91NL, 57m ASL). I set-up my equipment at the back of the garden. There are big tall trees in all directions except SW!
On 10GHz, beaming to the SW I was able to work Noel G8GTZ (IO91KF) and Barry G4SJH/P at 43km (IO91GI) for my ODX. I failed with G3ZME/P, G4ODA, G4ZTR and M0GHZ
On 5.7GHz 2 QSO's were completed again with G8GTZ and Dave G1EHF/P who was co-sited on Walbury Hill with Barry.
This is why I go portable! Anyway, it was a fun hour playing GHz, and getting a few more QSO's in the log.