For the August 5/10GHz UKuG Cumulative I decided to head back to Brill for a second visit. I last ventured to Brill in May 2021, to the Trig point at IO91LT19MT (198m ASL). This time I decided to try out a roadside layby where the footpath enters the field at IO91LT19VG which is slightly lower (194m ASL).
On 10GHz with 1W and the 60cm Offset Dish I achieved 10 QSO's with my best ODX with Paul M0EYT/P in Dorset (IO80WP, 151km). The site was blocked with trees in a few directions. I also worked Clive G4MBS/P in Dorset for the first time.
On 5GHz, after some onsite repairs I was pleased to get my Pluto SDR system operational again. Three QSO's were completed with 5W and the 60cm WiFi Grid Dish. I worked G1EHF/P on Walbury Hill, G4LDR in Salisbury and G4ODA near Spalding for my ODX (IO92WS, 124km). I heard M0EYT/P on 6cm but his signal was too marginal.
This was a pleasant Sunday afternoon's operation on the GHz bands. I found the layby to be quite restricted so I will need to look at a better location for next time.