I was a bit late finishing work so for this event my local (12 miles drive away) go-to UKAC site at Britwell Hill (IO91LO, 229m ASL) was my only option. Historically, it's not a great site for GHz shielded to the North. It was horrible and mucky with driving rain, wind and freezing cold. Band conditions were very poor and activity unfortunately low.
On 13cm with the 1m WiFi grid Dish and just 0.8W, only 7 QSO's were completed with G4ASR, G4HWA, G8CUL, G4ODA, G4LDR, M0GHZ and G3SQQ my ODX (IO93JC,168km).
I brought my second Pluto SDR, just to to play about with and with just it's 2 rubber ducks sat on the table, I managed to complete a quick QSO with Mike G8CUL (IO91JO, 12km) easily with just 3 minutes to go!
On 10GHz with the smaller 60cm offset dish and 1W and with particularly dire band conditions, I only worked 3 QSO's with G4LDR, M0GHZ and G4UVZ. I was really pleased to work Adrian G4UVZ for the first time via RS for my ODX (IO80KX, 161km).
It wasn't a great evening and won't be one of my best scores, but I was pleased to get out and work some stations and secure some additional points for the Northern Fells Contest Group team!