For the 2nd 24/47/76GHz UKuG Contest, I decided to go to Coombe Gibbett to focus on the higher bands. It was incredibly hot and humid over 30C so not ideal conditions. I set-up next to Roger G8CUB. Upon getting 24GHz out of the car boot I realised I'd left the Leo Bodnar GPS/LO power cable at home so that was a non-starter and was all put back in the car. Shame as I could have had 4 local QSO's and also a DX QSO with Martyn G3UKV/P on Brown Clee which would have been 147km and an all time ODX record on 24Ghz for me - but it wasn't to be! My best ODX on 24GHz is still 136km with G3UKV/P from Chilton to Brown Clee.
On 47GHz I worked 4 stations: Dave G1EHF/P on Walbury Hill, John G8ACE/P and Neil G4LDR/P at Stockbridge (IO91GC68, 27km) plus Roger G8CUB about 10m away! It was nice to work Neil for the first time on 47GHz. I've worked 6 stations in total now on this band the others being Noel G8GTZ/P and Dave G4FRE/P from various sites. My best ODX on 47GHz is still 77km with G4FRE/P from Britwell Hill to Cleeve Hill.
On 76km I was heard weak by Neil at Stockbridge at 27km but I could not hear him or John. I worked Roger again for my single QSO of the day and my best ODX as he was just 10m. I'm hoping to better that next time out!
Despite being disappointed with not being able to play on 24GHz, I was pleased with 47GHz and 76GHz and look forward to further outings later in the year.