It was great to take the SHF kit out again for a play in September's third 24/47GHz contest. Roving westwards I visited 3 Sites: Bisham Hill (near Maidenhead), Britwell Hill (near Henley) and Applepie Hill (near Compton). A total of 9 QSO's on 24GHz were completed. Enjoyable local contacts in the range 24km to 77km were logged with Dave G1EHF/P, Barry G4SJH/P, Roger G8CUB/P, Noel G8GTZ/P and Dave G4FRE/P. All sites are hill-side farm gates with clear views, albeit in very restricted directions. Sadly at the first site there was significant industrial fly tipping. I've made the local council aware of the problem.
In terms of talkback there seemed to be very little KST activity, nothing on Zello and surprisingly little on 144.390MHz SSB. Most QSO's were organised using 433.450MHz FM or by mobile phone. I always try and accommodate several options!
On 47GHz a record 3 contacts were made. I was super pleased to extend my ODX to 77km with Dave G4FRE/P. This was over a super clear path from Britwell Hill to Cleeve Hill near Cheltenham.
Big thanks to Roger G8CUB and Mike G0MJW for the loan of their 47GHz and 24GHz spare kit. I am most grateful to continue my experimenting and learning.