Receiving the G1EHF/A 9cm Beacon on the Pluto

Dave G1EHF has just sited a new temporary personal beacon at the Farnham SDR mast for tests, ahead of potentially something more permanent. He was looking for reports so I set the gear up this evening at the bottom of the garden in Wargrave (IO91NL69).

The Farnham SDR mast (IO91OF16) is 30km to the South of my home QTH. The new beacon outputs 2W into a slotted waveguide omnidirectional antenna. It's plugged into the same aerial as GB3HV, Noel G8GTZ's TV Repeater (

I quickly found the beacon using the Pluto and SDR Console, it was a bit LF of its 3400.970MHz QRG. It's not locked (nor is my Pluto SDR) but was about 5-1, and -94dBm at best - still very audible above the noise. 

Receiving the G1EHF/A 9cm Beacon

It was great to get the Pluto SDR out again, and here this new 9cm beacon with the 60cm offset dish only 12ft off the ground. Any excuse to play GHz!