Two trips in August proved that my 3cm system is broken!

In August I went out twice on 10GHz to compete in the RSGB SHF UKAC, and the August UKuG contest:
  • On Tuesday 22nd August - a 45-minute drive to the Pink Road lay-by at Lacey Green (IO91OQ) atop the Chilterns. It was a cold dark evening and after setting up and impaling my arm on some barbed wire (remember to always take a first aid kit when /P) I set-up the dish and then failed with Peter G3PHO, Dave G4ASR, and Stu G0LGS/P. Stu could just hear me and I could just detect him and Neil G4LDR. Basically I worked no one. Then it rained and I got soaked packing up. 2M talkback signals (I had 6Y and 100W) were massive both ways with G3PHO and G4ASR. I didn't take 13cm as it was complicated enough in the dark with 2 complete stations plus having to deal with KST on my iPad. Sorry to Richard G8FUO who travelled from Windsor to share my disappointment! I learnt once again that GHz is hard, and things frequently don’t go to plan!
  • On Sunday 27th August - I want to my local site near Remenham Hill (IO91NM) for an hour in the UKuG 3cm contest. I was determined to see if I could hear the GB3SEE beacon in Reigate to check my RX. As luck would have it the beacon was off-air. My DB6NT 10 G2 transverter is dead I could not hear or work M0HNA/P at Wilbur Hill and also G7JTT on the South Downs (IO90LX).  
I’ve since sent back both my 13cm and 3cm G2 transverters to Kuhne to get them checked-out and fixed, and to make sure they are operating within spec. I'm hoping to be back on 13cm and 3cm later in September or more likely October.